Proposed 2022 Budget

Notice is hereby given that a proposed budget for the Town of Meeker for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2022 has been submitted to the Town of Meeker Board of Trustees, Rio Blanco County, Colorado, and has been filed in the office of the Town Clerk, 345 Market Street, where it is available for [...]

Bid Notice – Bulk Water Building Remodel – Closed

Bid Tabulation TOWN OF MEEKER Bulk Water Building Remodel INVITATION FOR BIDS You are hereby invited to bid for improvements to the Bulk Water Building for the Town of Meeker. This project includes replacing the roofing and improvements to the exterior of the building. The project site is located at 111 Third Street in Meeker, [...]

Flood Plain Information

Flood Plain Information Viewing floodplains for homeowners:  - brief tutorial on how to check effective and new floodplains, as well as where to find more study information/data and; FEMA’s map change viewer and;

Fluoride Equipment Failure

Fluoride Equipment Failure The Town of Meeker Water Department’s water fluoridation equipment is currently inoperable therefore, providing optimally fluoridated water has temporarily ceased. The existing equipment was installed in the early 1990s and has deteriorated beyond repair. The Water Department has been unable to make the repairs and is working closely with the Colorado Department [...]

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